Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Temecula Bound

Just a quick update on how things progress here. Escrow is scheduled to close on Feb 13th, and so I will have to have all my stuff out of the house here prior to that. My three nieces are descending on me this coming Friday (1/23) with the intent of packing up my kitchen, and misc stuff, books etc. Sometime next week, probabely wednesday and thursday, will once again drive down to Temecula and commit to an apartment lease. and sometime between now and then will make an appointment to have the movers come in and give me an estimate on what it will cost me to move my stuff----and I have to make a list of all the people I need to alert to my address change, need to change my area code on my cell phone, need to eat up all the food in the pantry , and get some paper plates and plastic knives and forks, to use til such time as I can get unpacked at the other end----schedule the turnoff of my utilites and get utilities turned on at the new place, vacuum the house after I get all my stuff out of it, clean the stove and refrigerator, and I am sure there are about a dozen other things I must do-----so If you don't see any signs of life in my blog between now and the 13th of Febuary, don't panic---I will be in transition.


  1. Well good luck Old Dude. Do what ya gotta do. We'll be here.

  2. Good luck Gary ... it sounds like you have everything in order and on schedule!!

    Can't wait to see pictures of the place you decide on.

  3. I will see you tomorrow. Don't forget you have the option of storing stuff at our building for as long as you need. I was thinking of bring some burritos for our lunch tomorrow depending on what time we leave for your house and when they open. What kind do you like if we stop?

    I don't think you need to change your area code on your phone.

  4. Gary it will all work out. See you soon!!

  5. Melanie, havn't had a burrito I didn't like, but I believe Tish is bringing tuna salad, sandwhich fixings, and lima bean soup for lunch, check with her to confirm----if ya get all my kitchen packed up, will take ya all out for early dinner.

  6. You should feign religion, and get a church group to help you move.

  7. Oh sweetums. Here I've been feeling sad over getting the hell beaten out of me on my own blog and you've had your own hellstorm to deal with. Sorry I wasn't here yesterday. I'll miss you til you feel up to blogging. Just make sure to store your computer where you can unpack and have your nieces set it up for you in your new dwelling.

  8. I love my nieces, but the day I let THEM set up my computer is the day I move into an asylum.

  9. Good luck Gary. Don't envy you at all. How wonderful your nieces are helping. We'll be waiting patiently for your return.

  10. I'm happy for you that you are getting all your ducks in a row. Hurry back soon so you can quack us all up again with your wit and humor...omg..did I really say that? lol Good luck on the move Gary!

  11. Good luck on the move Gary and BON COURAGE !


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