Sunday, April 20, 2008

What to expect from this blog collection

So whats this blog sites theme you ask--?? I kinda suspect its gonna be mostly just a rambling mess of whatever might be flitting through this old guy's head. You KNOW how it is with us old folks,we get the bit between our teeth and run with it----might be pertinent, then again just mind numbing----about the old days back when there were dinosaurs. I might get into politics,gonna try and avoid religion. Could rant about movies, TV, and intertainment stuff---and when in doubt, we can discuss the weather----have I told ya about the big Storm of "77" back in Colorado?----anyway----this blog site is unpredictable, it will be whatever I am in the mood to post----its not like I have to read it now is it?


  1. OH MY GOSH !!! You are so witty, you should have been a writer. Can't wait to see what you say next.Love,

    Your VERY Favorite Niece, Melanie

  2. I am so excited you are blogging. You know there is a company that can print out your blogs in a book format. You are very witty!! I can't wait to see what is up next.

  3. Uncle Gary i can't believe you have a blog page!! I have enjoyed blogging myself. It feels good to share your lifes moments or thoughts with others.

  4. Hi Gary,

    I am Judi youngest sister in VA.

    Welcome to the blogging world!

    Be Careful it's addictive!!


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