Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween 2008



  1. I guess I should have checked your blog first before commenting to your E-mail. Nice Cartoon!!!!

  2. Cute!!!
    Do you get many trick or treaters coming to your place?
    Over the years I have learned to buy candy I don't like because if I buy what I like I always have to repurchase the candy two or three times before Halloween even arrives.
    Bear((( )))

  3. we get very few trick or treaters, I think last year we had less than 10, and three of those were college kids collecting candy for an orphanage---or so they said?

  4. Bear Naked:----damn wish I had thought of that---two late,well will be going to the store again before Halloween eve-----(sigh)

  5. That comic is too funny. Thanks for stopping by the other day.

  6. Great cartoon. I'm hoping to get a few trick or treaters. Last year was the first year I was home for it and we got zero. I'm hoping the creepy yard ornaments will entice unsuspecting children to my door for goodies. And yes, I buy the candy I like so it won't go to waste if no one shows up.

  7. Cute cartoon! We don't get Trick or Treaters here...too far up in the hills for them to climb I guess. Plus the houses are fairly far apart. Back here the houses are so far from the road, take all night to Trick or Treat just to go a block !


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