Wednesday, May 28, 2008

MileStone, Comments being solicited

Hi, its Me, GJG, sometimes called GaryJay---did ya notice the new Header to my blog?? what do ya think, good, bad, ??? I think its damn good,, really reflects the inner me, ----and if your really nice to me, will tell ya how this header came to be.


  1. I'm ALWAYS nice to you!! So tell me how you did that, especially on BLOGGER where ya can't do ANYTHING!

  2. Hey, give it up, what's with the dog?

  3. Wendy, what you don't identify with dogs, ---damn this old dog (aka old dude) is now depressed.---and Dana, sounds like you have the "old" blogger template and not the new one??---if ya got the New one, then can tell ya, if ya got the old version---get well soon. (the new one, when ya go to your dashboard, identifies "layout" versus the old one which makes reference to Template--??

  4. Love the new blog header ... what landscape is that??

  5. hey,old dude, I got the new one. Now tell me before I have to come over there and beat you up.

  6. I really dig the new header! Is that your dog?

  7. It was my suggestion to add a dog.

    Three score plus ten is thought of as the span of life

    When I think of Garry blogging I think of the saying who says you can’t teach old dog new tricks. I’m also reminder of Robert Frost’s poem the span of life.

    The old dog barks backwards without getting up. I can remember when he was a pup.

  8. LOL---thanks for the kind words you all, and hey rose, I can still remember my "pup" days quite well. Speaking of new tricks---what ya got in mind that you think this old dog should reach for---blogging wise that is?


Speak up, don't be a nebish---your opinions do count.