Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Slogging thru the blog----(so confused yet why am I so happy?)

This ugly dude to the right , is moi---taken at the morning meeting of the SOCDS----Anyhooo---as you can see am playing withe formatting (placement) of pics in my blog, and getting more familiar with taking pics, loading them in the computer etc, etc, etc---I'm toying with the idea of doing a series of blogs , inserting pics and the theme of the series would be "The Art in Matilia House"--guess curious no know if anybody else would find that of any interest?----need input here folks---we live for input (ha ha)


  1. I can't input if i have no idea what Matilia House is? Please enlighten.

  2. Not a great picture must have been to early in the morning. Make them take another one. You look better than that.


Speak up, don't be a nebish---your opinions do count.