Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ego Boost

I  of course am following Wayne Johns series on how to make full use of the template lessons.  Today in Lesson 8, he discusses and explains the settings tab of our dashboards.  However also in his discourse in the current lesson he makes reference to googling ones blog title, which I of course did and oh wow was I blown away with the total number of references to my blog that came up.  You all might want to check out your own blogs this way.  (1) go to,  (2) type or past in the Url of your blog, and click search.  When the results screen comes up, go down to the bottom and click on getting the "complete" list---SHAZAM!! (You can drop in your friends Urls and see their results as well)---gives a person a better feel for the impact of their blog on the bloggosphere.


  1. Hey I checked it out. Pretty cool. You are just so full of info. Thanks for the great comments on my blog. It was a good pick me. I am over the initial shock of yesterday and am facing each day one at a time. With friends like you watching my back, I know I'll be okay.

  2. "NOW THATS THE BONNIE I LIKE TALKING". Shoot, YOU got an excuse to watch what ya eat---I aint got no excuse---and look at me??---on second thought don't look ethel---(ugly)--LOL

  3. Another way is to google yourself on blog search. You should read my article- Who's linking to your blog.


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