Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just a Typical Tuesday (what a relief)

Man , just got back to the castle here, been out and about. I had to run up to the hospital and see my Doctor for a checkup (he insists on seeing me every six months whether I need to be seen or not---hmo's use their docs for shills.) We suffered through the stripping and wearing of a hospital gown. The doctor read my history back to me, as if I was a child and had forgotten, on the other hand maybe it fascinated him with its blandness. Long story short, (ya, yaaa, I know to long now already), he couldn't find anything to get excited over, but I did allow him to talk me into taking the vacination shot for "Shingles", and another for "Pneumonia", I keep telling him these vacinations aren't working, I never get Pneumonia, never get the flue etc---he kinda just glares at me and grunts (the man has no sense of humor---I suspect he is afraid I will outlive him, just for spite). I am scheduled to return on the 'morrow" to submit to blood testing, to verify I am not enemic, got acceptable chlorestol and am otherwise sane.
Having done the Hospital checkup routine, I now had to do the shopping for the LP's groceries required this week. I went to our local Ralphs, where I am now familiar with the new layout---and was in and out with only one "Isle double back", and it was deliberate, I "added" to his list to get "Crystal Geyser" water---we were out, but he didn't know it or he would have put it on his list (my bad, I forget to tell him earlier---but oh man does he go ballistic when he assumes there is somethng in the pantry and there isn't cause I failed to tell him it was the last unit when we used it------(sigh) The LP has a steel trap mind---for example he knows what is stored in the garage, from 18years back, knows it is IN the garage, and WHERE in the garage it is---so far he hasn't hit me for letting the pantry run out---but oohh do I get severly tongue lashed if I fail to alert him we are out of something. ---on the other hand he pats me on the head and I earn an "attaboy", if I can report we have that in stock---but you all know how tghat works , get just one "awe shit, and that costs ya 10 "attaboys"-----I can't remember the last time I had a surplus of "attaboys"---(sigh). (For those not familiar with things---The LP weights about 90#, is on oxygen 24/7, has a steel trap mind, and I am his arms, legs and gopher---and I love it.
So I mad it back to the "Castle" with a good medical report (yaaaay), got all the groceries, and now the sun is slowing sinking in the west. Ohh we also got a new movie in the mail from Netflix---so we won't have to pretend to be content with the reality crap .--its just another typical Tuesday----and thats good.


  1. Reality crap?!?!?! Wha..uh..dou..HUH? How can you not LOVE reality TV. I am addicted and not ashamed. There I said it!

  2. For "Reality" I watch news---otherwise I am looking for scripted stuff, with good direction, acting etc. Not going to argue with you over what YOU like entertainment wise. In my book if it doesn't have a script, its crap---one might as well watch the baby monitor.

  3. Some of that Reality Crap does have a script of sorts...doing it over so it looks better is direction and scripted to me! And pleaseeeeee...don't tell me they don't do that cause I KNOW they do...but I still love Survivor anyway! Sounds like a good Tuesday for you Gary...congrats!

  4. not really Knocking others taste in TV, so much as knocking how bleak a selection we are given to look at---in the good old days it was live, no "retakes"---the pro's got it done, today---retake, retake, retake til its to the directors liking---and with no written script, its to much like watching home movies, for me to get any pleasure from it.

  5. Kudos to you for saying no to the shots. I think drs think we know nothing. And what movie did ya rent???

  6. Leslie, I DID get the shots---and I woke up in teh middle of the night and my left shoulder (where I had got both shots) felt like it was on fire, and ached like all get out----even now It really hurts to raise my arm up to shoulder height, but does seem to slowly be getting better. other than that I'm okay, the movie was an old one, "Sailor of the King" and english film starring Jeffrey Hunter.

  7. I am glad you check out O.K. I would like you to stay around for a little while longer!! LOL


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