Saturday, June 14, 2008

Old Dude Needs New Trick

I find myself drifting around in the blogosphere, admiring all them wild and professional kept blogs, and have come to notice that some bloggers list their earlier posts under categories, and guess what this old dude wants to know is----how they do that? Whats the trick to that trick? Kinda suspect it has something to do with tags, or labels and awww jeez haven't quite figured out all that---" things that go bump in the night" stuff ----yet. Anyway---- somebody wanna try to teach this old dude the trick of cross referencing my blog posts under categories?


  1. I know another person that has asked me the same question. I have an old blogger account that I will take a look at to see how you would go about implementing categories, if it is possible with blogger. Hang in there! I'm busy, but will get to this over the weekend.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I see you deleted my last comment, guess I over stepped my boundries...sorry if I offened you.
    Won't happen again.

  4. Did not delete YOUR comment Sue, deleted MY own ---you misread it?? Please come back and post what you thought got deleted?---please????

  5. I have no idea how to do this ... but if you find out ... please share!

    And I just have to say ... isn't Sue a sweetie? I LOVE HER!!

  6. Add labels to your post.

  7. Rose is probably right. I did find some things that will allow you to put in the 'classic' category functionality, but it looked like a hack, not to mention a bit complicated.

    Don't forget, you can create a second blog to use as a test bed, where you try new things and figure out what they do and how they work. When you are done, simply ignore or delete the second blog. A simple way to try things without screwing up what you have already built on this blog here. :)

  8. ---ahh the old dummy blog gambit----love it, will try that---


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