Sunday, July 20, 2008

"I NEVER got the stupid MEMO !!?"

I really do try to be Mr. nice guy, and not create waves or be negative. Yet gosh darn it, again and again I find myself Zigging when everyone else is Zagging------missing the curves in the road ----I hate that---when THAT happens---don't you?
Like hello, yeah I am Older, but I was educated in YOUR country, I speak your language, reasonably well ---just don't ask me to write, punctuate and spell really good.
Whatever I said, it was not racist, not sexual---wasn't meant to be sexual anyway--?? Trust me, if I said something you found offensive, it wasn't meant to be----aw crap what am I apologizing for, I havn't been read my rights, havn't be accused of a crime---yet ?? Sorry didn't mean to get paranoid------I didn't see anything in my mailbox-----I didn't get the memo----?? So unless your gonna put handcuffs on me---I'm outta here---going for a cold brewski.


  1. OMG ...what ARE you ranting about Gary? I think it's time to put the "brewski" down and take some deep breaths...that's it...breath nice and easy. Now don't that feel better?

  2. Hey Gary (aka Old Dude) -- thanks for visiting the Zillow blog and leaving your opinion about Starbucks. It could be a fad, but I think Starbucks is here to stay. Not that I drink $4-5 coffee drinks, but occasionally, I'll enjoy a cup of joe. You have a good blog going here -- keep your thoughts coming!

  3. What are we referring to Gary? Help!

  4. I'm completely confused, who did you offend?

  5. Some rants need no explanation. This is not one of them.

  6. Okay ... so I have SO gotta catch up on your blog to see what you are talking about.

  7. I have no idea what you are talking about. Get out the straight jacket. I think you are losing it.LOL


Speak up, don't be a nebish---your opinions do count.