Saturday, July 12, 2008

SATURDAY (mama-mia),SATURDAY (mama-mia)---

I'm humming along with the music of Abba going in the background, thus the title above---all started when I heard the current commercial pitch selling tickets for the broadway show "Mama Mia", currently playing here in Los Angeles.  (Its not the original cast , but another cast that is travelling the country putting it on).   I Have to say its quite a compliment to the original Abba singing group, that they're music is still popular. In fact a lot of the music from the late fifties, 60's and 70's gets a lot of air time on the radio today. That's when there was good music being written and we had good performers to do it. Elvis, Mamma's& Poppas, the Beach Boys, Earth, Wind & Fire, Abba, and I am sure you all could name some of YOUR favorites as well from that era. Guess for me one of my real favorites is the song, "Monday, Monday" as sung by the Mamas And The Poppas----I was unemployed at the time and after a hard day of looking for work, would find myself holed up in a local sleazy bar nursing a half drunk, warm bottle of beer listening to that song blasting away on the bars best feature an incredible sound system---the lyric going----"Monday, Monday, ----can't trust that day-----oooooooooh Monday, Monday----.
LOL, well nobody ever told I could sing either, but anyway love that song. I'd like to hear what YOUR singular favorite song was/is??. It doesn't have to limited to the 50's, 60's or 70's, they wrote some damn fine stuff even earlier too---(----"I'm looking over a four leaf clover, that I overlooked before-----" they don't write good lyrics like that anymore).


  1. Hmm, could you imagine a murder being committed to the sound of an ABBA song?
    Detectives Beyond Borders
    "Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

  2. I may be a lot younger than you, but I remember some of those songs. ( I had older parents.)

    Now you have me singing Your Cheating Heart. lol


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