Monday, July 14, 2008

Old Dude Strikes AGain (Get Shorty)

When in doubt---push a Meme out----(you can quote the old dude's maxim) , its nothing fancy, pretty straight forward----here ya go .


1) What is your favorite quotable line from a Movie.

2) Who is the most famous person you have spoken to?

3) How many bags/boxes of Potato Chips are consumed at your place in a month?

4) Who is your all time favorite Cartoon Character?

5) What foreign food Dish do you prepare from scratch and Serve?

6) What is your favorite section of the Supermarket?

7) What was your high school teams mascot and what were the school's colors?

Needless to say, to play the game , one has to A) answer the above questions in a blog posting, B) Identify the (5) who you are going to tag, and C) acknowledge who TAGGED YOU.----and ooh yeahhh, have a nice day.

NOBODY tagged me---I created this sucker (heh, heh, heh)---and I AM TAGGING,
------Alexi, Dana, Mrmcrum, Joyce-----and that fancy toed dude Wayne.


  1. Sign- I blog about you today (See my most recent post") yet the old dude does not tag me for this cool Meme he made.

    1) What is your favorite quotable line from a Movie.

    My mind has drawn a blank.

    2) Who is the most famous person you have spoken to?

    Online or in person? In person Canadian Rock Band Sleddogs

    Online Robert Munsch and Phil Roberts. (Phil Roberts sent me a painting)

    3) How many bags/boxes of Potato Chips are consumed at your place in a month?


    4) Who is your all time favorite Cartoon Character?

    Bugs Bunny

    5) What foreign food Dish do you prepare from scratch and Serve?


    6) What is your favorite section of the Supermarket?

    Fruit. (Got to have my watermelon)

    7) What was your high school teams mascot and what were the school's colors?

    I don't recall, but I know the colors were Green and Yellow.

  2. LOL---I figured Wayne would most likely pass it on your way---but course now you've headed him off at the pass as us old codgers say.

  3. I like this meme! I may try it myself!

    And thanks for stopping by my place and adding me to your blogroll. I'll add you if I ever get time to update mine! (I'm a busy old gal!) In the meantime, you're bookmarked and I'll be by now and again!!! LOL Use the groaner in good health -- there's a new one from me every Monday and and on Fridays, I post groaners that my gang sends me -- with attribution, of course.

    If you want an elderblogger badge, go here:

    I am proud of those badges because I designed them and sent them to Ronni suggesting them.
    Enjoy!!! Glad you like them!!!

  4. Unable to download successfully from that site, each time I am told that the picture I have downloaded is corrupted or in a format I am unable to open (I am able to open Gif format, jpeg and I don't know why I am having this problem? I have a groaner for ya, which I will send shortly.

  5. Aw crappers gary, ya hit me. alright, alright...I'll play along.

    I may just tag Rose again... ;)

  6. yes, please email them to me Rose, much appreciated

  7. Thanks Rose---but (sigh) for some reason I am unable to mount the blue badge successfully as I did the red one---any chance you can resend the blue one?

  8. For the second time you've not tagged me! I'm feelin a bit left out here...snif snif..No really, I feel like the kid in school nobody includes in any activities. Guess I'm not in the "inner cirlce"..snif snif..but that's ok.. I'll get over it.....someday.

  9. Hey, yeah, look at that! It looks good up there.

  10. Done! But one thing. You should answer your own questions also. Fair is fair.

  11. I'm not tagged either ... but wanted to play so here's my answers:

    1) What is your favorite quotable line from a Movie.
    "Oh Mama your hair always looks like a helmet" and "My signature colors are blush and bashful" both from Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias.

    2) Who is the most famous person you have spoken to?
    Probably Lisa Bearson ... she's the editor of Creating Keepsakes Magazine. Any scrapbooker would know who I'm talking about. I met her at the Scrapbooking Expo in Orlando one year.

    3) How many bags/boxes of Potato Chips are consumed at your place in a month?
    Maybe one

    4) Who is your all time favorite Cartoon Character?

    5) What foreign food Dish do you prepare from scratch and Serve?
    Pasta Fajiola soup in the crock pot ... one of my favorites.

    6) What is your favorite section of the Supermarket?

    7) What was your high school teams mascot and what were the school's colors?
    We were the Winter Haven Blue Devils and our team colors were blue and gold.

  12. I did this meme over at my place!!! It will post at midnight!


Speak up, don't be a nebish---your opinions do count.