Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Think I Got It!!!

What we have here is a pic of one of the many food items I have been known to consume with a modicum of satisfaction. Yes of course its not as good as MY homemade stew, but in a pinch, it will do. I am using this pic and the others that follow to educate myself on how to post pictures, write text and achieve what I like to refer to as "The Newspaper Column" effect. My problem heretofore is my ignorance of how to use the NEW Blogger plateform editing tools to achieve this goal of mine. I do believe however I have finally figured out how to achieve this look consistently----course time will tell.
As you can now see I have posted an additional pic here in this posting to make things appear a bit more exciting viewing-wise. This is continuing with the theme of this piece, yet another favorite food item for this old dude . More importantly is the placement of the pic is to allow me to continue to type and achieve the "Newspaper Column Look". This new little trick that I have learned in the last couple hours is surprisingly easy one once has played with the steps necessary a few times. I think however what is really really neat is, I am able to achieve this look WITHOUT GOING IN AND ALTERING MY HTML CODINGS, that I am doing this working strictly with the new blogger plateform editing tools which appear at least to this old dude to work just fine.---once ya learn how to use em anyway. I am really quite pleased with myself for figuring this out, and I am sure when I practice using these new found tricks that I will become more creative in their applications. What you see now of course is this old dudes little victory celebration-----and you all can hear the Frank Sinatra song playing in the background " I Did It, MY WAAAAAY".



  1. I am IMPRESSED! Now, I impress easily, but not often! Would you mind telling me how I can do that with my photos? You KNOW I'm a nut about using photos, but after adjusting my HTML, there's always that large, aggravating space between paragraphs. Thank you in advance.

  2. By the way, when I take a photograph inside the house, I find it more beneficial to turn on lights, and not use the flash, to avoid the bull's eye effect. Hope this helps.

  3. By jove I think he's got it! WTG

  4. and a famours line from a movie, "You got me---but whose got YOU?" (Lois Lane to Superman as he catches here from falling off the skyscraper" (Superman I)

  5. Great job Gary. I love the pictures.

  6. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Keep at it Gary and don't be intimidated. Ya learned how to get rockets into space didn't you?

  7. Woo Hoo ... I think he's got it! By the way my Dad (JC) loved Dinty Moore stew. He ate it at least once a week. Oh what I wouldn't give to have some Dinty Moore stew with my Dad.

  8. Mmm...Dinty Moore!

    You got it Gary! I'm quite pleased to see that you had this all figured out, I am very impressed! Way to go Gary!

    Now, about those new blogger tools you mentioned. Are you using the standard interface, or is there a link somewhere to get 'new tools'?

  9. just playing witht eh "new blogger" temlate that I signed up with in late April---starting a post with the "New Post" button, uplaoding a pic with the add pic icon on the new post tool bar, but then saving it, and working with the edit post screen tools---have found that once I have uploaded pics I can move em by click/dragging them around, which distorts the layout of the text, but one can then use the left and right alighnment tools, and some cut and past work and make it all come out nice and pretty. I didn't do any html code adjustments or additions.

  10. no, we were poor, we would have stew one night,and then maybe later in the week we would get the heels of the bread chopped up into bite sized pieces and coated with bacon drippings----sometimes too we would get pieces of carrots with this---. (just funning ya)---Actually stew was served at our house with dumplings, or if no dumplings then hot biscuits or sometimes thick slices of french bread spread with butter and garlic seasonings.


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